

how to setup iptv on enigma2

how to setup iptv on enigma2

A guide to help people setting up IPTV and movie viewing on new or none working Enigma 2 device.
A lot of people seem to be having bother getting things running smoothly when it comes to IPTV

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weather it be on here or elsewhere there are plenty of complaints and unhappy users, people buy boxes off social media/online sellers lured in by the promise of premium TV at pound shop prices but things are not always that simple:(
I will cover the plugins required for your system and various different plugins that can be used for IPTV viewing.

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A lot of complaints lead to finger pointing the IPTV provider which is not always the case when other factors have not been ruled out first, I will not guarantee freeze or glitch free viewing after using this guide as that is something premium TV providers can not offer their customers 100% of the time but hopefully this will help.

Enigma 2 box
Internet connection
PC/Mac FTP program (Flash FXP, Filezilla etc)
IPTV sub – m3u file or API (portal, username and password)
USB stick nothing to big 4gb will be ample.

Zgemma H2S is what i am using, which in my opinion is a entry level box now over 3 years old so the specs are not fantastic compared to whats on the market today but it is sufficient for IPTV at a entry level price but this guide is applicable to any Enigma 2 box.
Ethernet cable always go for hard wired to your router over WiFi no matter how many antennas your box has it is more stable and will get more mbs than a wireless connection to your box. Cat6 cables of all lengths can be picked up for a few £££ on ebay. I have a 10 meter cable running from the router in the hall into the living room tacked round the skirting board with cable clips (99p from B&Q) but you can be as fancy as you like running the cable outside and back in if your DIY skills are up to scratch, trust me spending that extra few quid on the cable can make all the difference, if this is not a option use home plugs.
WiFi should be a last resort!

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With you box plugged in and connected to your TV/router we shall begin:







These 4 plugins can all be configured using your username, password and providers url/portal in my opinion this is a superior method over mac authentication as your IPTV sub easily moved to another device if needs be.
This is by no means the be all and end all but I have tried and tested these plugins myself and found them all capable of handling the task in hand. All the plugins below do more or less the same so it is down to personal preference or provider recommendation at the end of the day.
**When inputting usernames/passwords/portals press the text button on your remote for the full keyboard**

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Both IPTV Bouquet Maker and Jedi Maker Xtream require configuration of EPG-Importer to receive EPG data including program info and now & next listings.


*I would recommend removing/delete bouquets when changing from a different plugin to save confusion unless you are using a separate provider*


Recording IPTV is not always a option so catch-up is the next best thing. Please contact your provider to see if the feature is supported as a lot only support SD channels due to the space required to back up HD recordings.


As with the IPTV plugins this is not the only option but is tried, tested and competent.


A version of Kodi known as Kodi-Lite is also available this has been tested with several addons and was not functional for myself, if anybody can confirm working addons etc please let me know.
“But I want it to look just like Sly”


Adds a nice little channel logo to your EPG, info bar, now & next etc.
When it comes to picon naming the file extension must be .png and must match your providers name or they will not display.
Example: BBC TWO HD.png would be renamed bbctwohd.png


Alternatively a large selection of IPTV picons renamed by yours truly.


My channel’s go black on Saturday???


Once a week it is worthwhile updating the software on your box this will keep the hard work you have put in running smoothly.
Blue button to access Quick Launch Menu
Select Software manager
Select Software Update
Green button to install all available updates
Select Yes to reboot your box

Hopefully a enigma 2 box capable of IPTV playback.
As long winded as this guide is it should go a long way to helping people setting up a new or existing none working enigma 2 device. I know the install sections repeat methods but it is aimed at new users and explained step by step from beginning to end, they may also be stuff that is irrelevant to some people, things I have not covered that people think should be in here or errors on my behalf (I am no expert but this what has worked for me) if so please let me know and i will edit the guide accordingly.

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If after following the above you are still having problems streams stuttering, looping or stopping:
Run E2Speedtest plugin to determine your download speed as stated above anything above 15mbs should be sufficient for IPTV but the higher the mbs the better.
Another option is:


For older boxes with smaller memory/RAM


The settings for Quarterpounder and Cacheflush are by no means set in stone what works for some boxes might not work for others.

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